The success of Cochrane Minor Basketball relies on the dedicated commitment of volunteers all of whom work for the benefit of our players and the community-at-large. In an effort to garner volunteer assistance, thereby making a basketball season possible and more enjoyable for everyone, Cochrane Minor Basketball requires all parents to volunteer time to help ensure an efficient and enjoyable basketball experience.
The volunteer deposit of $150.00 ($75 for U18) will be charged at the time of registration if one or more volunteer jobs have not been selected. Only one volunteer deposit per registrant is required.
Notwithstanding time and score keeping commitments, for those of you who prefer to make a donation of $150.00 ($75 for U18) in lieu of volunteering, you may do so by not choosing a volunteer job and paying the fee.
A family is expected to volunteer a minimum of 4 hours per season (2 hours for U18). The team’s manager will be in charge of assigning positions on each team, you may be asked to volunteer for something you did not sign up for as we only have so many volunteer jobs available for each team. It is each family’s own RESPONSIBILITY to meet the volunteer commitment and ensure that their hours are reported to their manager accurately. The time that you volunteer will be monitored by the Team Manager and will be reported to the Administrator at the end of the season. If the volunteer hours are not fulfilled, the family will be invoiced the volunteer fee at the end of the season.
If you are a Board Member, League Equipment Manager, Coach, Co-Coach, Assistant Coach or Team Manager you will automatically complete your volunteer commitment as these positions are for the full year and will exceed the 4 hour requirement.
Note that SCOREKEEPER/TIMEKEEPER - FAMILY PARTICIPATION IS MANDITORY for all teams, this is outside of your volunteer obligations. Coaches and Managers of teams are not included in the rotation, but each player's family outside of those members must take their turn time or score keeping.
Positions that are available to choose from are as follows:
Executive and Committee Coordinators
Individual Team Roles