As a coach and role model I shall endeavour to...
Have fun, remembering that the game is about the children and not to satisfy my ego's need to win.
Teach in a positive and constructive manner, the fundamentals of the game including shooting, dribbling, passing, catching, footwork, pace of play, spacing and rebounding as well as basic offensive and defensive strategies.
Create equal opportunity both on and off the court.
Enable myself to effectively teach the fundamental skills by attending coaching clinics, reading books, viewing DVD's and/or visiting the Internet. Ensure fundamentals follow Canada Basketball development.
Teach life skills including giving our best effort at all times and reinforcing that making mistakes is OK as long as we learn from them.
Instil confidence in the children by constructively correcting their play.
Treat all players, coaches, league officials, parents and spectators with respect recognizing that I am the role model for my players.
Never use profanity or consume drugs or alcohol prior to coming to the gym.
Emphasize the "team game" and that ball-hogging and discriminatory passing will not be tolerated.
Provide a forum for playing competitively with a spirit of sportsmanship and fair play during games and practices.
Provide a forum for playing, which does not tolerate bulling or negative behaviours by fellow coaches, players and parents.
Provide equal playing time to each child (subject by approval of the board to commitment level and disciplinary situations). Ensure playing time policy is being followed at all times.
Conduct regular Team Meetings as required recognizing the value of bringing players. coaches, and parents together from time to time to discuss matters relevant to the team.
Upon request by the Cochrane Minor Basketball Association, I agree to obtain a Criminal Record Check from the Cochrane RCMP detachment and provide it to the Cochrane Minor Basketball Association. Should I not obtain this document as requested, I understand that I will be relieved of my coaching duties at the discretion of the Cochrane Minor Basketball Association Board of Directors.
As a Coach representing the Cochrane Minor Basketball Association and local community, I will endeavour to adhere to all the statements above.
Coach's Name(print):_________________________Coach's Signature:_________________ _______
Team Name/Level :__________________________ Date:___________________________________
New to CoMBA - Coach Meeting
This is a mandatory coach meeting. 6:00pm is for new CoMBA coaching.
Returning Coach Meeting
This meeting is mandatory for returning coaches
Parent Meeting
There are two meeting time choices on Thursday September 12th for the MANDATORY parent meeting. Please choose either 6:00pm or ...