48 Hour and Complaint Policy

48 Hour Rule Policy - the 48 hour rule is in effect for all coaches, parents, spectators, volunteers and players.  For all feedback, suggestions, concerns and complaints, it is required that 48 hours elapse prior to approaching or discussing the issue at hand.


Feedback / Suggestions / Concerns / Complaints

Cochrane Minor Basketball Association (CoMBA) values your feedback on all issues related to the activities organized by CoMBA. We encourage you to also include your name and contact information so we may contact you for further details.


If you wish to make a formal complaint, please send an email outlining the complaint and all relevant details that support your complaint.

You can send your formal complaint to:

Email the Board President at: combapresident@gmail.com

Concerns/complaints will be addressed at the next board meeting or sooner, if the concern/complaint is time sensitive.

Complaint Procedure

The following procedures are to be followed for any complaints/concerns expressed that are pertinent at a local level (i.e. relevant to Cochrane Minor Basketball). Concerns regarding officiating, game schedules or other matters not in Cochrane Minor Basketball’s jurisdiction are to be dealt with by following the complaint procedures identified on the Calgary Minor Basketball Association’s website (e.g. completing a Game Report Form). For issues within Cochrane Minor Basketball Association’s domain, the following steps will be followed:

  1. Complainant(s) will approach the coach/parent/spectator and voice their concerns. The goal is to resolve the concern by having both parties constructively discuss the issue.  Please always follow the 48 hour rule before approaching another party.


  1. If the complaint is not resolved, Complainant(s) will submit their concern in writing* to the Discipline Committee**. Email combapresident@gmail.com.  The Discipline Committee will review the concern. Further details will be sought from all parties involved, if necessary. A member of the Discipline Committee will then advise the parties of the necessary actions that are to be implemented, including facilitating a joint meeting with the accused person and Complainant(s) to resolve the issue if this is deemed appropriate.


  1. If the same concern recurs and the complaint is valid, a written warning is issued to the accused. If the accused person does not heed further warnings and/or refuses to take appropriate actions and/or make necessary changes, the Discipline Committee will use its discretion to determine a suitable course of action, which may include temporary suspension of the accused from participating in COCHRANE MINOR BASKETBALL ASSOCIATION practices, games and/or events.

* Individuals who wish to submit a concern in writing can do so by email. 

** The Discipline Committee is made up of the President, at least one other Board Member.

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